Urbandumpsterdiver's Blog

February 16, 2012

Mirror Mirror on the Wall

Filed under: Uncategorized — urbandumpsterdiver @ 10:15 pm

Out of the muck of opened makeup and hair care products, I found a brand new makeup mirror. Retail value about $60. What a score. Brand new, not one scratch on it. Funny, I’d been wanting one for a while and just didn’t feel like paying that much money for it.

Retrieved several big bags of cat food. Between me and my neighbors there are about 6 cats who are strays who are wandering around the neighborhood with no home. Since the both of us have such big yards, the cats are constantly running free in both yards. I’ve heard a couple of cat fights the other night fighting over the food. I may have to put out a second bowl.

Next we found a box full of brand new paperback books. These books were intact and didn’t have the cover torn off. Good! Also in that bin was a brand new water bottle, many bookmarks, a cozy for my coke cans and a few good shopping bags. I usually use shopping bags as I hate using the plastic ones in the store. It does nothing but sit in the land fill and rot for many years.

I have a question for you all. How did you find this blog? I’m curious to know what traffic is driving here.

And are any of you still finding good finds?

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